How to Separate Fact From Fiction

Unfortunately, we know that many debtors will provide false or misleading information in order to make it harder to collect. A well-designed and executed strategy is necessary to get to the truth which is key for increasing collections and making good business decisions as discussed in this recent post “Does Knowing The Truth About a … Read more

Does knowing the truth about a debtor matter?

Your collection agency reports that they too have not yet been able to collect on an unpaid invoice from your business customer. Do you care why? Some of your common choices at this point are: Offer a Payment Plan Settle for reduced amount Commence litigation Write off the debt Close the claim Monitor the situation … Read more

Understanding Collection Litigation

We strongly prefer to collect money owed to our clients without going to court.  In most situations, if the debtor is willing to voluntarily cooperate at any level, we can get our client’s money faster and less expensively than going to court.  But, when litigation is the best alternative and appropriate, we do not hesitate … Read more

Financial Statement Analysis For Credit Professionals

Determining the credit limit for customers is a difficult task.  One factor is to analyze the customer’s financial statements to understand their profitability, financial strength, and liquidity.  We have created a comprehensive resource for credit professionals that includes the following: Videos and transcripts explaining of the 3 financial statements (e.g. income statement, balance sheet, and … Read more

Simple Tips to Avoid Delinquent Payers

The Kaplan Group As we’ve explained many times in our previous posts, delinquent and non-paying customers and accounts can have a very serious effect on the health of your business. Obviously, when a customer orders a product or service and then doesn’t pay for it, your business suffers – so how can these delinquencies be … Read more

Basic Strategies To Promote Debt Collection Success

Learning to effectively collect debts, whether commercial (business-to-business) or consumer (debts owed by individuals) requires patience and diligence. The best debt collectors have honed their skills over years, learning what strategies tend to push debtors towards making payments. For new debt collectors who haven’t yet had time to develop their collection techniques, however, there are … Read more

How To Know When It’s Time To Hire A Collection Agency

While knowing when to send a past-due account to a collection agency is sometimes difficult, it is important to keep in mind that the sooner an agency has an account and can begin collecting on it, the more likely they are to successfully recover your money. There are multiple reasons to send a claim to … Read more

Excuse or Explanation? How to get your money!

This was originally published by Dean Kaplan on InsideARM in September 2012 We’ve all heard hundreds of different stories as to why a business debt has not been paid.  For our commercial collection agency, the first thing our debt collectors are trained to do is to figure out if it is a legitimate explanation or … Read more

Properly Using Email Correspondence In Collection Efforts

While telephone is still the most effective way to communicate with debtors during a debt collection effort, other forms of correspondence including email can play an important role in a debt collector‘s efforts to contact a non-paying customer. When using email for collection purposes, it is important to follow some general guidelines to ensure your … Read more

Ready To Collect Your Money?