Dos & Don’ts of a Payment Plan

Normally on this blog we give advice to our clients and creditors who are owed money. The pandemic and resulting economic impact are causing many companies to struggle financially for the first time.  Here are some tips for both debtors and creditors considering a payment plan as a way to resolve an issue. If you … Read more

Six Strategies to Strengthen Cash Flow During a Pandemic

Cash Flow is King during COVID-19

Cash is King during COVID-19. Poor cash flow can cause a significant number of financial issues but in a pandemic it can destroy your business. The good news is, strengthening your cash flow in a volatile environment can improve your overall cash position. Cash flow is about both bringing in more cash and spending less … Read more

Six Strategies For Protecting Your Business During This Crisis

During this difficult time, protecting your health and the health of your family is the most important task. Of course, the health of your business is critical as well. The Covid-19 crisis will end. When it does, you want your business to be in as good a shape as possible. Keeping your business running and … Read more

Alternatives to Using a Collection Agency

As a collection agency, we obviously think that we’re in the best position possible to help you collect on unpaid invoices. But, we are sometimes asked for alternatives. We don’t take it personally, we know people like options. Here are four other ways you could potentially deal with unpaid invoices. Invoice Factoring With invoice factoring … Read more

Can Your Nonprofit Use a Collection Agency?

Nonprofits and for profits differ from each other in many ways. But, one thing the two types of companies have in common is that they both need to collect money in order to keep on the lights. People often believe that selling items or charging for something jeopardizes a nonprofit’s tax-free status. This is not … Read more

How to Collect on Bad Checks

I don’t want to shock you, but even though we are now almost at 2020, and electronic banking, no cash stores, and ATMs are all part of everyday life, a lot of people out there are still writing checks. Some people write checks because that’s what they’re used to doing. Some people like to write … Read more

State Auto Renewal Laws You Need to Know

Many business models rely on auto renewal contracts. Auto renewals provide a business with a reliable cash flow and they provide clients with reliable service. No one wants to come in on Monday morning to discover that the software they depend on is no longer available to them. However, auto renewals are also a frequent … Read more

Reduce Stress by Collecting with Integrity

Economies are cyclical. For every upturn, there’s a downturn. When there is a downturn, unqualified collection agencies tend to spring out of nowhere. In 2011, during the Great Recession hundreds of un-trained collection agencies entered the market. Predictably, complaints about collectors’ abusive practices reached all-time highs. According to the Wall Street Journal, in 2011, the … Read more

What U.S. Businesses Need to Know about Canadian Bankruptcy

With e-commerce and the Internet, some of the barriers between international business no longer seem as difficult, especially when it comes to close neighbors like Canada and the United States. But, if you’re doing business with Canada, it’s important to know that there are different laws covering situations like unpaid invoices, collections and corporate bankruptcy. … Read more

Ready To Collect Your Money?