Business Credit and Loan Resources for Veterans

Veterans play a vital role in our economy, with veteran-owned businesses making up 9.1% of companies today. Their efforts employ almost six million Americans and a trillion dollars in annual sales receipts. While they tend to choose self-employment more often than their civilian peers, they still find challenges when it comes to securing funding to … Read more

What Debt Collectors Can and Can’t do on Social Media

Social Media Logos on Blocks

Yes, it’s true. Debt collectors can now contact consumers on social media. Here’s the background and all you need to know about what debt collectors can and can’t do on social media. The History In November 2021, The CFPB made some long-awaited updates to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. The FDCPA was enacted by … Read more

Three Things to Know Before You Sue a Client

Suing a client - should you?

Thanks to the silver screen, many people believe they have a solid understanding of our court system and the judicial process. But what is often depicted in the most captivating courtroom scenes is far from reality. A debt collection lawsuit can be serious, complex and time-consuming. If the case isn’t settled and you move to … Read more

Preserving Your Client Relationships During Commercial Debt Collections

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Maintaining client relationships as you pursue an escalated B2B debt collection is a delicate balance. Many industries are “small worlds,” and your clients could be talking to each other more than you think. As a business owner, you need to preserve your bottom line, so commercial debt collection is critical. But, how you collect outstanding … Read more

7th Annual Scholarship Awarded

We are pleased to announce that Favour Ozordi, a junior at Minot State University, is the winner of our 7th annual $1,000 scholarship.  There were over 100 applicants this year, and it was extremely difficult picking a winner.  What gave Favuour’s essay the nod is that she used her own initiative to create a cash … Read more

Outstanding Debt Reduces Injury Settlements

a wooden judge's hammer sitting on top of a table

Being injured in an accident is scary, especially when the bills start to pile up. However, going after the negligent party responsible for your injuries can result in a settlement to cover those bills. As a personal injury lawyer can share, a settlement grants financial relief to the injured party. Unfortunately, if you have outstanding … Read more

Demand Letters: 4 Things to Know

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Clients often want to know about demand letters. They may consider having an attorney send a demand letter before turning it over to collections. Paying an attorney for an hour or two to write a letter is less expensive than a collection agency contingency fee. But, a letter itself may not actually get you paid. … Read more

Give Your Company More Leverage If Your Customer Does Not Pay

All too often, commercial debt collection becomes a negotiation.  At that point, the stronger the position our client has, the better the deal we typically can negotiate.  This could be more money, faster payments, avoiding court, or if necessary, the final outcome in court and the subsequent judgment collection process. Surprisingly, the vast majority of … Read more

FDCPA: 6 Things to Know About Regulation F

We’ve talked about the FDCPA before. This is the federal law that protects consumers from being harassed by debt collectors. As we’ve mentioned before, the law applies only to consumer debt, not businesses. The law also only applies to outside debt collectors, not companies who are owed the money for product or services they provided. … Read more

Ready To Collect Your Money?