What Can “FlashBoys” Teach Us About Credit and Collections?

Michael Lewis’s latest bestseller ‘Flash Boys, A Wall Street Revolt’ is a non-fiction tale of Wall Street intrigue, unfairness, and salvation.  The story itself has nothing to do with credit and collections, and yet it highlights the traits that make some people great at managing credit risk or successful debt collection when things go wrong. … Read more

Why Should You Chase Your Customers Before the Maturity Date of Your Invoices?

Article by:  Bertrand Mazuir Any commercial relationship based on mutual commitments shared between the seller and the buyer. The buyer undertakes to pay the price of the service or equipment delivered on the date specified in the contract and invoices. However, he frequently has a high propensity to forget, at least temporarily, this commitment. Several … Read more

Using A Different Phone Number To Reach A Debtor

You have been calling your customer about a past due invoice for the last month. After a couple excuses and a couple broken promises, now no one answers the phone or returns messages when you call repeatedly. What does this mean? Have they closed? Has office staff been reduced to the point there is no … Read more

Simple Productivity Tip Can Make A Huge Impact

Last week I read an article on LinkedIn on how to be more productive.  I’m always looking to learn and try new things.  The one productivity tip that resonated the most for me was this: Before you go home today, write down the top 6 things you want to accomplish tomorrow; Cross out the bottom 5; … Read more

You’ll Get Paid When We Get Paid

It is difficult for collection agencies to pierce the corporate veil

  “You’ll Get Paid When We Get Paid” This is one of the most common ‘explanations’ we get while providing commercial collection services. How the debt collector responds to this assertion can have a big impact on understanding what is really going on and figuring out how to get paid even if they don’t get … Read more

Creative Ideas Solve Credit Risk Problems

It is difficult for collection agencies to pierce the corporate veil

How One Credit Manager’s Creativity Made The Big Sale Possible Most credit managers have been in this situation: the company wants to make the big sale, the buyer is ready, but their credit situation doesn’t make a standard transaction possible. Bud Rule, who has 40 years of credit experience, recently shared this story of a … Read more

Using A Collection Agency To Preserve Customer Relationships

It is difficult for collection agencies to pierce the corporate veil

A Credit Manager’s Creative Way of Saving Customers Want to see a salesperson squirm with displeasure: just tell them the account for a long-term customer is being sent to a collection agency.  The salesperson has visions of rogue debt collectors badgering their customer with threats of bad credit references, legal suits, judgments and garnishments, caring … Read more

How to Make Receivables Harder to Collect

It is difficult for collection agencies to pierce the corporate veil

We don’t know anyone who actually wants to make it harder to collect invoices, but we frequently encounter situations where businesses do just that. This week’s blog highlights six common problems from our eBook, How to Make Receivables Harder to Collect.  The eBook has 47 tips on how to reduce delinquencies and write-offs and avoid the need for collection agency services. #12 … Read more

Free Fraud Detection Resources

It is difficult for collection agencies to pierce the corporate veil

One of the simplest ways to detect potential fraud is to confirm certain information provided on a credit application using easy, free resources on the Internet. As a commercial collection agency, we regularly get claims where this has not been done and we discover that the information provided was either misleading or outright fraud. In … Read more

Ready To Collect Your Money?