Based on the options you selected on the Request a Quote form, we’ve determined that our agency isn’t the right fit for your needs. Below you will find a list of agencies that may be interested in your business. Take a look at their specialties and minimum claim requirements to see if your problem is a good fit with their services. Then contact the ones you want. They do not have your contact information.

To see more information about any of the agencies below, click on the name of the company.

Collectors 10-100
City Located In REDMOND
State Located In Washington
Year Founded Pre-1970
Phone (425) 643-2613 ext 182
Email for Customer Inquiries SDONHAM@MERCHANTSCREDIT.COM
Who Do You Collect From? Businesses, Individuals
Do You Collect Judgments? Yes
Do You Collect Medical Debts? Yes
Minimum Number of Claims Accepted 10
Minimum Size of Claims Accepted Under $100
Memberships ACA, ACA
Describe Your Contingency Rates Our fee is a net percentage of the dollars collected. Our fees start at 33% and can go lower depending on size and volume of portfolio.
States In Which You Collect AK, CA, CO, ID, MT, OR, UT, WA
Specialties Auto Loans, Auto Loans, Auto Loans, Auto Loans, Auto Loans, Auto Loans, Auto Loans, Auto Loans, Auto Loans, Auto Loans, Auto Loans, Auto Loans, Auto Loans

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